In Memory of





Condolence From: Susan Robbins Mauriello
Condolence: Dear Daddy ~ You and Mama have been on my mind constantly. You both are missed so very much. Sending you much love and giant hugs. Please continue to watch over all of us. Your 3 great grandchildren are growing up so quickly. I talk to them about you always. Please send signs so I know that you’re still with me. Love you for always, as time goes on. Susan
Thursday February 02, 2023
Condolence From: Susan Robbins Mauriello
Condolence: My Dearest Daddy, It seems impossible that you've been gone almost one year now. The days and minutes get worse knowing that I can't pick up the phone to call you and tell you that I'm coming over to pick you up to take you out for lunch and bring you back to our house for dinner. The pain of losing you is unbearable at times. I miss you so much. Please know that my love for you grows each passing day. It is so lonely without you. Even though I have Frank, Lauren, Stephen, Matthew and Caroline, there is a huge void without you being with us as a family. Matthew and Caroline talk about their Papa John all of the time. I make sure that your memory and legacy is kept alive through them. They are more beautiful and smarter than ever. I'm sure you can see them. They look up to the sky at night and find the brightest star in the sky and scream out that that's their Papa John shining down on them. We all love you and miss you terribly. I wish things were different. However, I know that you're happy in Heaven with Mommy, please give her all my love and hug and kiss her for me. I miss her so much too. Life just isn't the same anymore, now that I don't have either of my parents. I never thought that I'd lose either of you. You are both missed beyond belief....I think of you each and every minute. Always know that your hearts are embedded in mine and that I will never stop loving you. I am so blessed to have had the best Mom and Dad on this Universe. Rest Easy, Mommy and Daddy. See you one day, again.
Monday February 27, 2017
Condolence From: Susan
Condolence: Dearest Daddy, your passing was so unexpected, but with my strong faith that you and Mom instilled in me, I must believe that it was time for you to be with G-d, Mommy and all of your loved ones who passed before you. You were loving in all that you did and your qualities of being kind and caring, will follow through right down to your great-grandchildren. I will make sure that your memory is always kept alive. You were loved by so many and you were blessed to have a family that adored you. I worshipped the ground you walked on. I loved you on earth, as I do in Heaven. I will never ever stop loving you, because, as you always called me, "I'm Daddy's Little Girl" always and forever πŸ’” Please give Mommy a huge hug and kiss from me. πŸ”―πŸ”―πŸ”―πŸ”―πŸ”―πŸ”―πŸ”―πŸ”―πŸ”―πŸ”―πŸ”―πŸ”―πŸ”―πŸ”―πŸ”―πŸ”―πŸ”―πŸ”―
Thursday March 10, 2016
Condolence From: Paula Semino
Condolence: Our thoughts and love are with all of you at this sad time. We'll remember those holiday dinners we were together and how John entertained us with his wonderful stories. His memory will live on.
Saturday March 05, 2016